李銓容/ 桔思創意設計有限公司 Gazin Create Co., Ltd.
李銓容/ 桔思創意設計有限公司 Gazin Create Co., Ltd.
聯絡人: 李銓容/ 李怡真
電話: 02-2592 3885
傳真: 02-2592 3748
地址: 中山北路3段29號4F-A


Too often when people add seasoning into their plates they would suddenly realise too much had been put in and a delicious meal was spoilt! Do you know excessive seasoning will put our bodily function under stress? Some people even need to see the amount of the seasoning in their hands before they dare to throw them into their meals.

TERUTERU is the best helper to sort out just the right amount every time when you add in the seasonings. There is sorting spoon in the front of every TERUTERU Spice so you can prepare the right amount of seasoning every time according to your personal preference.

產品介紹 introduction

調味料不能隨心所欲的控制,讓心情就像下雨一樣糟糕嗎?Spice doll如同晴天娃娃一般帶給你用餐的好天氣。我們時常不自覺的加入過多的調味料而不自知,過多的調味料帶給身體沉重的負擔,使用Spice doll將調味料先倒入開口的杓子中,你能輕易的看到調味料的多寡,依自己所好再倒入你享用的佳餚中,看到多少自己最知道控制份量更能享受健康。

Seasoning malfunctioning is just like a misery raining day that ruins everything. Teruteru Spice will bring back the sunshine to our stomach and the great tastes to our plates. Often we don’t realise that we have put in too much seasonings. And too much seasoning puts the stress on our bodies. From the sorting spoon at the top of TERUTERU you can easily see the amount of seasoning that is going into your meal. Having the right amount that you desire you can comfortably enjoy both a beautiful meal and a healthy life, every time when you add in a bit spice from the TERUTERU.
作品分類 : 生活家電
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