| | | | 李銓容/ 桔思創意設計有限公司 Gazin Create Co., Ltd. 聯絡人: 李銓容/ 李怡真 E-mail: 電話: 02-2592 3885 傳真: 02-2592 3748 地址: 中山北路3段29號4F-A |
| | | | | | | Lemon Run-檸檬擠 | | 美味佳餚當前,看到提味的檸檬片總是讓你感到猶豫不決嗎?擔心弄髒手指或是濺到衣服甚至是旁人的臉上,享用美食變得不是那麼輕鬆自在。
Do you hesitate to pick up a piece of lemon from the plate before serving it to a dish of delicacy? Worry about spurting juice all over place, onto people’s face or clothes? Spoil the enjoyment for everyone around you.
Inspired by traditional Chinese platter art, by designing a pouch shaped like a ginkgo leave when squeezing from its two sides a drip of lemon juice will run down stem the stem into your dish. It’s playful yet useful device that makes a slice of lemon a decorative object on the table before and after used. Lemon Run makes your dining experience an easy and relaxed one.
產品介紹 introduction
Adopting the concept of Chinese platter art, Lemon Run has a shape of a ginkgo leave which represents the symbol of health and natural beauty. It reminds its user about the enjoyment of a course of delicious and healthy dish. Lemon Run solves the problem of a lemon flavored sticky finger and at the same time it offers the best place for the used lemon piece to stay. Lemon Run is a playful and practical object at the dinning table.
| | 作品分類 : 生活家電 |
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