| | | | 李銓容/ 桔思創意設計有限公司 Gazin Create Co., Ltd. 聯絡人: 李銓容/ 李怡真 E-mail: 電話: 02-2592 3885 傳真: 02-2592 3748 地址: 中山北路3段29號4F-A |
| | | | | | | Salut Ice-冰淇淋碗 | | 總是趕不上冰淇淋融化的速度嗎?眼看它消失後流淌在平坦的碗底波動,偶爾一不小心,還會灑上書本,染上一片地毯,讓原本幸福悠閒時刻,變成手忙腳亂的開始,究竟如何才能優雅地享用美味的ice cream?
Ice cream melts faster than your eating speed? When melted Ice cream rises up from a flat bottom ice cream bowl it would easily spill over. Then all hell let loose. A pleasant experience becomes a laundry time nightmare.
Unique Martini cup style is easy to handle in the hands and holds the melted ice cream around the centre of cup bottom which prevents the accidental spill-over. With a specially designed stainless steel spoon, it docks onto the edge of this martini shaped ice cream bowl. Perfect match of the bowl and spoon brings a whole new sensational experience to its users.
產品介紹 introduction
Ice cream looks great I a high glass. But soon it swims in a pool of melted liquid cream. Martini shaped Salut Ice cream bowl solves this problem by it’s martini glass shape. It let you easily hold it between 2 fingers. No matter whether you are on a sunny balcony or a cosy sofa, at any of your favourite personal corners you can relax and enjoy a bowl of delicious ice cream in a Salut ice cream bowl.
| | 作品分類 : 生活家電 |
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