| | | | 李銓容/ 桔思創意設計有限公司 Gazin Create Co., Ltd. 聯絡人: 李銓容/ 李怡真 E-mail: 電話: 02-2592 3885 傳真: 02-2592 3748 地址: 中山北路3段29號4F-A |
| | | | | | | KeruKeru-香料娃娃 (液態版) | | 打開醬料罐就往菜餚倒,醬料不自覺的倒了太多而不自知,你知道過多的醬料將會成為身體的負擔?或是太鹹或太酸把整盤的美味給破壞了。
Sometimes we forget how much the sauce we put into our plate, serving them excessively adds unnecessary burden to your health. Too salty or too sour it will ruin a perfectly cooked dish.
Knowing how much goes into your dish is the idea of the KeruKeru. A spacious measuring spoon at the opening let you see how much it’s prepared for your meal.
產品介紹 introduction
調味料不能隨心所欲的控制,讓心情就像下雨一樣糟糕嗎?Spice doll如同晴天娃娃一般帶給你用餐的好天氣。針對油、醋等液體,從teruteru衍生出的第二代,同樣可以將調味料先倒入開口的杓子中,方便控制醬料酌量增減,輕鬆決定食物的口味。同時也讓TERUTERU家族增加了高雅的新成員。
Unable to control the taste of a dish is like a moody rainy day. KeruKeru Spice doll series is like a TeruTeru( /Good Weather Wishing Doll) who will make sure a good weather next day. KeruKeru sauce doll is the second series derived from the TeruTeru Spice Doll. A measuring spoon let you easily season your meal. KeruKeru is the next popular member of TeruTeru family. | | |
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