| | | | 春田創意有限公司 聯絡人: 林瑞仁 E-mail: 電話: 02.25337033 地址: 台北市明水路543-1號1樓 |
| | | | 廚下型電解水機 | | 因應現代社會的各種型態的廚房空間,不佔檯面空間的廚下型電解水濾水器,顯得極具生活品味與簡單生活。人性化的操作介面,透過彩色液晶螢幕讓使用者更清楚知道使用狀態。並採用觸控式的面板技術,來達到清潔、容易使用的功能。
More and more the ketchen styles are increasing currently. The Build-in Electrolyzed Water Filter can keep the tiny space for saving more space on ketchen table and trying to be a kind of simple life taste. From LCD screen to let the user know what information to get during the operation by Human Interface Device. The technical of Electrostatic Actuated can keep the panel clean and easy to use. | | 作品分類 : 生活家電 |
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