Who am I
Hi,我是Elson Lin, 1984年生,來自台灣-台北。
將近10年的工業設計經驗 , 服務過的客戶包含HP , Intel , HAIER ,DIAGEO…….等國際知名品牌。
我曾服務於全球500大企業-廣達電腦,擔任工業設計部門, 研發Intel Ultrabook設計師近4年之久。因此,除了做好設計,我善於解決工程端的問題,共同打造出卓越的產品。
我曾受過史丹佛大學Design Thinking專業課程訓練。 因此,我善於創意思考 , 發散收斂, 再進行創造全新產品。
LSON LIN DESIGN於2014年開放全世界的設計服務,若您對我有興趣,任何需求,歡迎與我聯絡。
Hi, I am Elson Lin, born in 1984, from Taipei, Taiwan.
I have almost 10-years experience in industrial design for established brands such as HP, Intel, Haier, and Diageo.
I served as a Product Designer in the Department of Industrial Design at Quanta Computer Inc., a Fortune global 500 company, for 4 years with a focus on Intel Ultrabook design. I also specialized in mechanical problems solving and product developing with multi-functional teams.
With professional Design-Thinking training from Stanford University, I’ve gained strong creative thinking and innovation skills.
ELSON LIN DESIGN is now available worldwide. Please contact me should you have any inquiries. |